Helping young people in Salford do what they love.

At The Salford Trust, we’re all about creating opportunities for young people. We believe that the rising cost of living and other financial circumstances should never stand in the way of passions, hobbies and important life skills. That’s where our funding comes in.

Since 2004, our grants have allowed young people to enjoy a range of activities, competitions, clubs and more.

Hobbies and passion projects can become expensive, especially the more competitive they get! We help families in Salford support their child without adding to existing money worries. For self-referring individuals, our funding provides the chance to continue a hobby or learn an essential new skill.  

The more successful a young person is in their chosen field, the more costly the activity becomes and that becomes a challenge for families - lack of income should not be a barrier to success for talented young people.

Peter Collins CBE, The Salford Trust

Contact us.


07392 621224